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Cheikh Ahmed a en effet passé plusieurs années comme Imam de la mosquée, mais aussi comme leader spirituel de la communauté ayant grandement contribué à son essor et à sa prospérité.
Avec son départ, le CIO aura perdu un de ses piliers qu’il sera difficile de remplacer. Toutefois, le CA entamera dans les plus brefs délais un processus pour trouver un Imam. En attendant, il s’est assuré avec la contribution de Cheikh Ahmed que la relève sera assurée par ses Houfaz pour assurer l’essentiel des services religieux jusqu’au recrutement d’un nouvel Imam.
Qu’Allah subhaneh rétribue Cheikh Ahmed Limame pour tous les services qu’il a présenté à sa communauté tout au long de ses années. Qu’il lui accorde le succès dans ses nouveaux projets. Amen!
It is with great emotion that we officially announce the final departure of our beloved Imam Cheikh Ahmed Limame, who has decided to return home to his parents and family after many years of service to the Muslim community in Gatineau and the greater National Capital Region.
Sheikh Ahmed spent many years not only as Imam of the mosque, but also as the community’s spiritual leader, having greatly contributed to its growth and prosperity.
With his departure, the IOC will have lost one of its pillars, who will be difficult to replace. However, the Board will begin the process of finding an Imam as soon as possible. In the meantime, it has ensured, with Sheikh Ahmed’s contribution, that his Houfaz will take over the essential religious services until a new Imam is recruited.
May Allah subhaneh reward Sheikh Ahmed Limame for all the services he has presented to his community over the years. May He grant him success in his new projects. Amen!
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